Daily Hope for July 4 – Blessing of a Nation

Scripture:  Psalms 33:12-19, Jeremiah 18:7-10

This being the birthday of the United States of America we need to be reminded that to be a genuinely happy and blessed nation we must remain under God, the one who created heaven and earth and everything in them. We must follow God and do what is right and good in His sight.  This is true for any nation on earth.  This passage teaches us that it is not our wealth or the size or our military that will save us in the end, but our seeking to do right in God’s sight that will bring us life, joy, and prosperity.  To reject God and do what is evil in His sight is to invite disaster upon ourselves.

Prayer:  Creator God, so often the nations of the world have rebelled against You.  Yet in Your mercy You have been patient.  Forgive us of the sins we have committed against You.  Pour out Your Holy Spirit to show us our sins and to bring us to repentance that we may be truly righteous and blessed in Your sight.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

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